What are the Major Muscle Groups?

Being familiar with all the muscles in the body will help you plan your daily workouts to help tone problem areas, build muscle, or lose weight. Each muscle group has a specific function. In this article, we will describe the major muscle groups in the body.

Major Muscle Groups

1. Rhomboids

Rhomboids are small back muscles that run from the upper back to the base of the neck on each side of the spine. These muscles help support posture and prevent back and neck pain.

2. Trapezius Muscles

The trapezius muscles are a group of triangularly shaped muscles that are located in the center of your upper back. Strong trapezius muscles help prevent back and neck pain, and boost muscle definition in the back.

3. Deltoid Muscles

Deltoids are your shoulder muscles. Strengthening this muscle group will give your upper body the perfect physique. To build and strengthen your deltoids, it’s best to use dumbbell weights or resistance bands.

4. Pectoral Muscles

Pectoral MusclesThe pectoral muscles are the muscles that connect the front of the chest with the bones of the upper arm and shoulder. These muscles are the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, and subclavius. Strong pectoral muscles mean better muscle definition, increased strength, and a stronger upper body.

5. Latissimus Dorsi

The latissimus dorsi (also known as lats) are large back muscles that are located on each side of the spine. Your lats make up a large muscle group. Work out these muscles on a regular basis for a stronger, more defined upper body.

6. Arm Muscles (Biceps and Triceps)

Biceps and TricepsThe biceps are the muscle group in the upper arms that make your arms flex or contract. Your biceps lie on the front of your upper arm and are located between your shoulder and elbow. The biceps make up about 1/3 of the upper arm.

Meanwhile, the triceps are a large muscle group on the back of the upper arms that make your arms extend. The triceps make up about 2/3 of the upper arm.

7. Forearm Muscles

The various muscles in the forearms help you grip things and lift heavy objects. Flexor muscles help you grip tightly, while extensor muscles help release grips. Properly-trained forearm muscles enhance physical performance and make the upper body stronger.

8. Abdominal Muscles

AbsThe body is made up of various abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and abdominal obliques. Having strong abdominal muscles (abs) reduces your risk of getting injured when lifting heavy objects. Cardiovascular workouts help trim problem areas near the midsection, while abdominal exercises boost abdominal muscle and body strength. Many people have nice abs under layers of body fat. When body fat is low enough to see the abs, then you will see that six pack.

9. Glutes

The gluteal muscles (glutes) are a group of muscles which make up the buttocks. The glutes are the gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius. Work these muscles regularly to have a tight and toned rear end.

10. Hamstring Muscles

The hamstrings are the muscles on the back of the thighs. The three main hamstring muscles in the body are biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. Working out your hamstring muscles maximizes leg muscle definition and will make it easier for you to do a variety of day-to-day activities.

11. Quadriceps Muscles

There are four huge muscles that comprise the front of the thigh, and that is why this muscle group is called the “quads” or quadriceps. The quadriceps muscles include the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris.

12. Calf Muscles

The back parts of the lower legs contain powerful muscles known as the calf muscles. Strengthening this muscle group will increase muscle definition in your legs. The calf muscles are comprised of the gastrocnemius (upper calf) and the soleus (lower calf). Doing calf-strengthening exercises on a regular basis can also aid in injury prevention.


Knowing about the major muscle groups (muscle anatomy) is important. The more knowledgeable you are about which muscle group to work, the better your physique will be. Want to know how to do the best exercises for each muscle group? Sign up to FITin56!

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